Japanese Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

Students, artists, course instructors, and other professionals will rock their next presentation with a free Japanese template from our impressive slide templates library.

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Explore Free Japanese Presentation Templates

16 templates

Connect Authentically With Free Japanese Slide Templates

Talk about aesthetics–what’s not to love about Japan? There’s so much about Japanese culture that stimulates the senses. Deciding where to begin is the only challenge. This elegant collection of Japanese PowerPoint templates can support your next presentation while inspiring your audience.

Find templates for a wide range of themes, including cherry blossoms, manga illustrations, anime, newsletters, history, music, and more. Bring Japanese culture to life and kick off an animated discussion. Discover themes that can be used for school or work, depending on the way you customize the layout. In a few easy clicks, you can download your template in Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Canva and start designing. Easily edit your template in Canva.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a PowerPoint presentation and a Pecha Kucha?

In a Pecha Kucha presentation, 20 slides or images are shown for 20 seconds each. The presenter has 20 seconds to explain each slide. Only meaningful images and graphics are included. The goal of Pecha Kucha is to communicate efficiently, avoid “death by PowerPoint,” and hold your audience’s attention.

What should be included in a Japanese PowerPoint slideshow?

Your Japanese PowerPoint presentation might focus on the history and culture of Japan, Japanese art and aesthetics, film and other creative media, the Japanese language, travel highlights, or other aspects of Japanese life. Choose your topic, then choose a slideshow theme to support it. Keep the text minimal and the graphics bold.

What makes a good Japanese presentation slideshow?

Avoid heavy text and use striking visual images. Add Japanese-themed elements such as calligraphy, origami, cherry blossoms, tea ceremonies, and iconic landmarks. Make sure each slide has a good reason for being included, and use graphics to enhance the story you’re telling rather than overwhelming your audience with information.