Few industries pack more excitement right now than fintech. Create a lasting impression with these blue and red, minimal fintech pitch deck slides. Inspire investors and land support with this memorable template, perfect for outlining your disruptive strategy. These slides come with plenty of room for your company vision, background problem and solution, market size, competitor analysis, traction and revenue, and more.You’ll also find a resource page packed with eye-catching elements and icons. Check out the How-To slide at the start of the deck for tips on using it as a Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, or Canva theme.
이 템플릿의 특징
- 마음대로 사용자 정의할 수 있는 25개 이상의 준비된 슬라이드
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- 각 슬라이드에 편리한 애니메이션 및 전환 기능이 있습니다.
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